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Ceiling patterns in the Tomb of Nebamon and Ipuki in Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Ceiling patterns in the Tomb of Nebamon and Ipuki in Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Floor painting in a palace at Tell el-Amarna, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Painted floor in the palace at Mycenae, Greece, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Detail of ceiling painting in the tomb of Bekenranef at Sakkara, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Detail of ceiling painting in the tomb of 'Aichesi', Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Vulture ceiling decorations, Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Floor paintings in the palace at Tiryns, Greece, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Fragments of mural paintings, palace of Tukulti-Ninurta I, Kar-Tukulti-Ninurta, Assyria, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Mural painting from the palace of Dur-Sharrukin, Assyria, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Textile patterns and fresco fragments from Crete, Greece, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Corner of the pediment of the old Temple of Athena on the Acropolis at Athens, Greece, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Ionic Hall in the Acropolis at Athens, Greece, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Entablature of the prostylos at Selinunte, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Wall in the Tomb of the Augurs (Tomba degli Auguri) at Tarquinia, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Mural painting in the Tomb with the Banquet (Tomba del Triclinio), Tarquinia, Italy, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Mural frieze in the Tomb of the Lionesses (Tomba delle Leonesse), Tarquinia, Italy, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Mural painting in the Tomb of the Baron (Tomba del Barone) at Tarquinia, Italy, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Mural painting in the Leopard's Tomb (Tomba dei Leopardi) at Tarquinia, Italy, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Frieze from the François Tomb (Tomba François) at Vulci, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Mural painting in the Tomb of Typhon (Tomba del Tifone) at Tarquinia, Italy, (1928]. Creator: Unknown.
Frieze from the François Tomb (Tomba François) at Vulci, Italy, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Fragments of decoration from Delos, Greece, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Fragments of decoration from Delos, Greece, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Wall decoration, Pompeii, Italy, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Wall decoration, Pompeii, Italy, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Wall decoration, Pompeii, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Wall decoration, Pompeii, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Wall decoration, Pompeii, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Wall decoration, Pompeii, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Wall decoration, Pompeii, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Wall decoration, Pompeii, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Wall decoration, Pompeii, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Wall decoration, Pompeii, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Ceiling decoration, Pompeii, Italy, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Ceiling decoration in Nero's Domus Aurea, Rome, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Mural painting in a Roman villa, Commugny, Switzerland, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Wall paintings in a Christian tomb, Sart, Turkey, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Mural paintings in the ruins of the Monastery of St Apollo at Bawit, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Wall decoration in the Stylos Monastery, Turkey, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Mural paintings in the ruins of the Monastery of St Apollo at Bawit, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Mural paintings in the ruins of the Monastery of St Apollo at Bawit, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Mural paintings in the ruins of the Monastery of St Apollo at Bawit, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Painting on cupola, Chora Church, Constantinople [Istanbul, Turkey], (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Carpet frieze in the Church of St. Nicholas Mokrinskoy at Jaroslaw, Russia, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Painted gallery in the Church of John the Baptist at Toltshkovo in Jaroslaw, Russia, c1695, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Ceiling in the Chamber of the Hypogeum of Lucina...Rome, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Arcosolium in the Catacomb of Domitilla on the Via Ardeatina, Rome, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Detail of frieze from the Basilica of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Decoration in the Catacombs of Praetextatus on the Via Appia, Rome, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
'Crypt of the Madonna' in the Catacombs of Marcellinus and Peter...Rome, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Ceiling in Chamber II of the Coemeterium Maius on the Via Nomentana, Rome, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Carpet frieze from Chamber E, Wall 6 of Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Frieze in the dining-hall (Triclinium) of the house of Pammachius, Rome, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
The burial-chapel of SS. Felix and Adauctus in the Catacombs of Commodilla, Rome, Italy, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Fragment of a frieze from the church of San Martino ai Monti, Rome, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Frieze in the church at Saint-Pierre-de-Clages, Switzerland, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Mural painting in the apse of S. Maria in Pallara...Rome, Italy, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Mural paintings in the Church of St. George, Oberzell, Reichenau, Germany, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Painted wooden ceiling in the cathedral at Messina, Sicily, Italy, (1928). Creator: Unknown.